Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tasty Tuesday...

A tasty Tuesday night dinner idea.  It is so simple make and so delicious to eat.  Three ingredients is all you need for this dish!  Serve it alongside potatoes and roasted broccoli for a complete meal.  Enjoy!

Boardwalk Pretzel Chicken

4 Boneless and Skinless Chicken Cutlets
Honey Mustard Salad Dressing
1 10oz Package Pretzels

Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Marinate chicken in honey mustard for 20 minutes
***In the meantime crush pretzels in food processor
After 20 minutes take each piece of chicken and coat with pretzels
Place chicken on non stick baking sheet
Bake for 15-20 minutes or until chicken is no longer pink inside and juices run clear

***do not crush pretzels too fine they should resemble small crushed pieces of pretzel
***make sure to discard any unused pretzel crumbs not used to coat chicken
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